Friday, November 12, 2010

Images Of Umbilical Hernia

Kits Now she is 4!

After she asked every day how often they sleep they need to finally four, it was called on Tuesday evening last, "If you wake up tomorrow morning , then it's your birthday. " I thought that they will sleep the night or not at all likely to be up early is already insane. But it was not as if she slept very early one morning already and then came out at 6.15 clock.
tousled all looked at me and said, "I'm Mamaaaa now four? "This radiation, when I said yes, her question and took her into his arm .... to congratulate her beautiful. Then Dad and Denise have also congratulated and then it went on .... the gifts gradually many things were unpacked, fleece jackets, a great Hello Kitty boards with names, coloring books, Hello Kitty socks, cookies with names, Sing with CD, candy canes, stickers, picture frames ......
and good was the last grooooosssee Gift revealed. A Children's Kitchen from Ikea .... she was happy ....

After unpacking first there was a birthday song and cake with four lighted Candles, it has blown out even the first time all.

afternoon arrived grandma and grandpa, and Sonja Kay, Lordina and Micah, Susan and Anne and there was then to unpack even vieeeel. Two great games, vieeeel kitchen accessories, jackets and and and ....

to eat of course there was sooooo much. Berlin, donuts, muffins, cheesecakes, chocolate cakes, marshmallows and other tasty decoration ;-). For dinner we had spaghetti Bolognese.
Everyone was soooo tired afterwards and it was a great celebration.

In kindergarten, of course, was celebrated and they got a great chain and a yo-yo and then just the birthday of cylinders, was the birthday candle and the chain ;-)

addition, it still of Enis chocolate, from a coloring book and great Süssis Joel and Robin a DVD, a cup and princesses vieeeele Schokobons. She loves ....

Yes, and now a photo of the great mouse!


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